Individual Therapy

Individual Therapy - Adults

Have you ever considered therapy before? If not, you might have some questions, and for those who haven't experienced counseling, it can feel a bit daunting!

If you have undergone therapy in the past, you likely understand its diverse nature. From healing past traumas to navigating current relationship challenges, therapy encompasses a wide spectrum of experiences. It can involve acquiring positive life skills or employing mindfulness techniques to cultivate love and joy. The possibilities are endless!

You may also recognize that the therapy experience can vary greatly depending on the therapist you work with. Hence, finding the right therapist is crucial.

At The Couch, we provide one-on-one therapy sessions for adults and adolescents. Our approach is rooted in Existential and humanistic principles, focusing on fundamental aspects of existence such as life, death, meaning, isolation, and freedom. While these themes might sound daunting, our goal is to inspire and empower you. Addressing these profound questions and struggles can lead to profound liberation, putting life's smaller details into perspective.

Individual Therapy - Adolescents

At The Couch, we believe that the primary role of any therapist working with young people is to truly understand them, to listen to them as they are, and to support them in navigating the challenges they face. We strive to help adolescents adapt to the aspects of their lives that they cannot change while empowering them to identify and enact positive changes where possible. It's a privilege to assist young individuals as they journey towards adulthood, fostering their growth along the way.

If you're considering bringing your adolescent son or daughter to therapy with us and have questions about what that process entails, please don't hesitate to reach out. We're here to address any concerns you may have and provide guidance on how our therapeutic approach can benefit your child's well-being and development.

Types of therapy:

When you start your healing journey, you will not be sitting alone. We will be humbled and honored to sit with you, helping you to see yourself the way others never saw you.


Counseling for me 


For me & my partner


For me & my family

Get In Touch With Us

Come See Us

Our office hours are:
Monday-Thursday 8am to 4pm

Phone: 479-222-8689
Fax: 479-505-0053

6234 Massard Road
Ste: 103
Fort Smith, AR 72916


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