
Being a human can present its challenges. We understand that navigating life's changes, family dynamics, grief, identity, and parenting can feel overwhelming at times. Therapy offers a space to explore your thoughts, emotions, and instincts.

Our aim is to provide attentive listening, guide you through your narrative, foster self-acceptance, and collaborate on navigating life's complexities.

We offer diverse therapeutic approaches and bring years of experience to the table. You don't have to face these challenges alone.

We would be privileged to accompany you on your journey.

Types Of Therapy

When you start your healing journey, you will not be sitting alone. We will be humbled and honored to sit with you, helping you to see yourself the way others never saw you.


Counseling for me 


For me & my partner


For me & my family

Some Areas We Focus On Are:


• It is a mental and physical reaction to perceived threats
• When we can’t control our anxiety and it controls us, we need to help get our control back
• Uncontrolled anxiety can affect us physically (stomach issues, headaches, muscle tension, increased heart rate, attention issues)
• 3 types: generalized, panic, phobias
• Might affect your relationships (leaving early, avoiding large crowds, avoiding eye contact, talking too much or too little, becoming easily frustrated, canceling plans, not answering calls or texts)
• Different levels: minimal, mild, moderate, severe, debilitating 


• Trauma is anything that results in a powerful emotional response to an event that causes distress
• Anything that overwhelms our brain’s ability to cope
• Every experience we have is stored in our brain, which are memories
• Components of memories: sights, sounds, smells, thoughts, beliefs, emotions, body sensations
• Memories re constantly updating to the present
• When memories are reactive, they may distort perceptions, attitudes and behaviors (It may feel like the past is present)
• Our perceptions limit what we see (what is the lie you tell yourself and what is the truth you want to believe)


• Feeling of persistent sadness, loneliness or hopelessness
• Symptoms may include: fatigue, isolation, loss of motivation, anger or irritability, feelings of worthlessness, loss of interest in relationships or hobbies once enjoyed, feelings of guilt, decreased energy
•Risks: family history of depression, poverty, unemployment, stressful life events, social isolation, regular drug and alcohol use

Inattention and Hyperactivity

• Feeling overwhelmed daily and easily
• Your brain feels like it is always at the edge of over stimulation and under stimulation, making things feel very complicated
• Unsure where to start
• Analysis paralysis: overthinking, “what if there is a better way to do this”
• Your brain feels like it is going in a thousand different directions but you are unable to look at things linearly, which leads to feeling “stuck”
•  Seeing entire projects vs manageable steps or individual parts
• Uncertainty of how to prioritize
• Feeling impatient or dismissing any progress
• Being self critical or overly focused on perfectionism


• Often accompanied with 2 burdens: the trauma of the loss and the feelings and emotions that go along with it
• Loss is traumatic
• Types of loss include: death, ending of a relationship, loss of a job, retirement, health issues, broke dream
• Grief is often complex- It is individual, which can result in feeling lonely and vulnerable
• Often accompanied with relief, which may be confusing and feel wrong
• Can suffer from guilt or blame of self and others
• Some symptoms associated with grief: insomnia, nightmares, depression, anger, panic attacks, heart palpitations, gastrointestinal problems, excess fatigue

Attachment wounds

• Not receiving the nurturing needed during childhood development
• Desiring the need to be validated or felt/seen/heard
• Mourning the idealized version of parents or guardians
• Often get stuck hoping your parent or guardian will change
• Loss of hope for a loving connection with the parent or guardian
• Seeking the love and connection from others, often leading to unhealthy relationship dynamics and unfulfilled expectations

Feeling prepared to begin your therapy journey? Click the button below to schedule your appointment now!

Get In Touch With Us

Come See Us

Our office hours are:
Monday-Thursday 8am to 4pm

Phone: 479-222-8689
Fax: 479-505-0053

6234 Massard Road
Ste: 103
Fort Smith, AR 72916
